Peer Review Process

Peer Review Policy

Journal of Watershed Management Research uses a double anonymous peer review policy in the review and refereeing of articles. This means that the identity of the author and reviewers will be anonymous in the process. Therefore, the authors should note that their article should not disclose the authors' information in any way.

After the author submits the article, the article is reviewed by the editor and sent to the specialized secretary(s) related to the subject, who are mostly members of the editorial board, so that its compliance with the journal's themes can be checked by them. After this stage, the editor-in-chief of the publication receives the opinion of the specialized editors to appoint a referee and appoints three specialized referees who are proficient in the subject of the article, and the article is sent to them. Respected referees will judge the article within fifteen days, and if the opinion of at least two referees is positive, the article will be referred to the author in the form of a general or partial revision, and after the (total/partial) revision by the author, the editor will proceed to He selects the final referee (adjustment) and the article is sent to him. After reviewing and complying with the corrections requested by the initial referees and declaring the acceptability of the article by the final (adaptive) referee, the scientific (initial) acceptance of the article will be notified to the author. Then the article will be presented in the first meeting of the editorial board members, which is held regularly at least every three months, and after discussion and approval in that meeting, the final acceptance of the article will be announced to the author, and after paying the "fee" Arbitration", the article will be published in the future issues of the journal and at the time of publishing the article, the author will pay the "printing fee".