Determination of production and consumption of Bromus tomentellus in Urmia-Garebagh rangelands

Document Type : Research


1 Research Instructor, Research Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources, West Azarbajan, Iran

2 Assistance Professor of Range management, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

3 Faculty of Natural Resources, Isfahan University of Technology

4 Faculty of Natural Resources, Lorestan University, Tehran, Iran

5 Doctoral student of pasture management, University of Tehran


To evaluate the vegetative and productive characteristics and forage consumption by livestock at different stages of Bromus tomentellus phonology, this experiment was carried out during five years in Urmia-Garebagh rangelands. Thus starting the grazing season and livestock entering, any remaining amount of forage grazing was harvested until a month intervals, and consumption rate was determined by subtraction between harvested forage and fenced plot forage. Finally, in order to study the effect of harvest months on the production and consumption of species under investigation in the study area, data were analyzed. ANOVA combined data showed that overall because of hot weather in 87 and 89 the second and fourth year was highest production years and sixth month of forage production (biomass) was the lowest production through the months, but the second month has highest consumption of the grazing season.
