The survey of sedimentation and erosion of ideal tidal inlets affected by both tide and cross-shore waves by numerical modeling

Document Type : Research


1 Ph.D. in marine physics, Tarbiat Modares University, Noor Natural Resources Campus, International Unit

2 Member of the academic board of the Soil and Watershed Protection Research Institute


Inlets play an important role in controlling sediment movement and its distribution in coastal areas. Therefore, recognizing effective factors in the hydro-dynamicity of inlets known as transmission process and determining the geometry and formation of inlets are of paramount importance. The undulations of water and tidal waves are among the major factors shaping an inlet. Breaking of wave in shallow water in the mouth of inlets causes the formation of long shore current and sand transport in this area. Also tidal currents and waves play an important role in the change of morphology of both sides of inlets. The purpose of this study is to find out how these two factors can interactively affect the sediment. To this end, a coastal basin that is connected to the open sea through a mouth is simulated in Mike 21/3 software. For this simulation, a 10*50 meter un-structured triangular flexible mesh in a finite difference model at one second intervals was used; undulations and tidal waves were sent to the mouth of the inlet at varying heights. Simultaneously simulation results show that by simulation of flow and sedimentation patterns interactively change the morphology of the inlet so that with the passage of time it reaches equilibrium; hence, there would be an ideal inlet. Also, by means of characteristic non-dimension H_w/H_t, the dominated parameter can be determined in the inlet.
