Studying preference value of semi-steppe rangeland species of Kordan by Fashandy sheep using timing method

Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor of Forestry and Rangeland Research Institute of Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Forestry and Rangeland Research Institute

3 Assistant Professor of Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

4 Assistant Professor of Mohaghegh Ardabili University

5 PhD student of Lorestan University



Animals feed on natural pastures has always been faced with shortages of forage quality and quantity. For making progress in rangeland management, a better understanding of factors affecting the choice of preferred forage by livestock is essential. Proper planning requires that the range management in addition to changes in forage quality and quantity in different times and places, the preference value and its changes during the season because they are well aware. In order to check the value of semi-steppe vegetation species preferred by Fashandy sheep timing method was used. The manner in which any one day between one and two hours after the arrival of the cattle to pasture in the equilibrium relative because it is preferably 30 minutes of grazing on species film preparation and transmission of computer time grazing any set. Then the data obtained each year using SAS software in a randomized complete block design experiment consisting in the analysis were analyzed using Duncan's multiple domain averages were compared. It can be generally stated that the mean value of the preferred species are significantly different. Based on these results because Bromus tomentellus in Ordibehesh and Khordam months maximum time allotted to that species, Stipa hohenackeriana and Ajuga chamaecistus no significant difference. Species of Amygdalus lacyioides, Asperula glomerata and Achillea millefolium preference value of approximately "are similar in other species were also in the third group.
