Study the monthly and annual changes of the forage production and consumption of the Chrysopogon aucheri in the Jevengane Genou Rangelands of the Hormozgan Province.

Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor, Hormozgan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center

2 Assistant Professor of Forestry and Ranges Research Institute



The amount of forage in the rangelands at different times during the grazing season and in the same year is different. In current conditions, grazing capacity is calculated once for grazing season which may coincides with the maximum production of the range plants. It causes many more livestock entrance during the grazing season in to the rangelands and the result is damaged pastures. The possibility of measuring rangelands production in different months of every year is not possible. Therefore, it is necessary to estimate the amount of forage production during the months of the grazing season, in a few years In order to calculate the long term grazing capacity of rangelands. The aim of this research is determine the seasonal changes in forage production and utilization of range plant Chrysopogon aucheri in during the growing season of the different years. The study area located at 265 meters above sea level far from about 40 kilometers from Bandar Abbas, in the Jevengane Genou. Vegetation type of area is Gymnocarpos decander-Euphorbia larica. For this purpose, inside the enclosure, the forage production of this species was measured every month in growth season. In outside the enclosure the remain forage production is measured and subtracted it from the forage production of inside the enclosure for estimating of consumed forage. The amount of forage production and consumption, after drying in the open air, was weighed and analysed with SAS soft ware.The results showed that, due to the high variability of monthly and annual rainfall, forage production and consumption of this key species in the study area, at the different months and years, have significant  difference with each other.
