Determining the most important factors related to carbon storage in different land uses (case study: shahriar, Iran)

Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor, Rangeland Research Department, Forestry and Rangeland Research Institute, Agriculture Research, Education and Promotion Organization, Tehran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Desertology, Semnan University



According to determine the factors influencing carbon storage in different land uses in Shahriar, different treatments of cultivation, age and land use, also grazing intensities were selected. These treatments included 18-year old Atriplex exclosure, mean and high grazing intensities, 8-year old Atriplex mean grazing intensity, 3-year old Atriplex exclosure and mean grazing intensity, 2-year old Atriplex exclosure, 8-year old Haloxylon exclosure, rain fed wheat, irrigated barley and control treatment (natural rangeland). after specifying the amount of carbon stored in ecosystem, also some soil and plant properties of study area, the most important factors associated with carbon storage, were tested using PCA test and PC ORD software. Results showed that the most important factors influencing carbon storage are clay of the 2nd and 3rd depth and HCO3 of 2nd depth, also N of 2nd depth, EC of 3rd depth, above ground biomass weight and root carbon. Irrigated barely and exclosure of 18 year old Atriplex fields have the most carbon content, which depends on clay and HCO3, on the other hand, Carbon is related to EC and root carbon in exclosure of 8 year old Atriplex fields.
