Comparison of different polymer formulations on dust stabilization and aggregate stability

Document Type : Research


1 Ph.D. of Tarbiat Modares University and member of faculty of soil science department of Shahed University of Tehran

2 Member of the Board of Soil Science Department of Tarbiat Modares University

3 Member of the Scientific and Industrial Research Organization of Iran



most conventional methods use chemical polymers and petroleum products (particularly, in arid and semiarid zones) to stop dust storm which are considerably labor, cost and time consuming. Use of the chemical polymers have several drawbacks such as high price of chemicals and their potentially harmfulness to environment. Using bio polymers has received worldwide attention during the last two decades owing to their great potential as a soil additives to stabilize the soil. The results obtained from different types of biopolymers or biopolymer compositions implicitly represent them to be applicable for binding the soil particles at the surface of light soils. Application of biopolymer as a stabilizer has proved to be effective for prevention of dust storms by stabilizing soil structure. The objective of this study was to use and screen a series of biopolymers to quantify their effectiveness as dust stabilizer in the laboratory scale. In this study, 20 biopolymer stabilizers be used. In order to assess the influence of biopolymers upon topsoil stabilization, laboratory tests on unconfined compressive strength, wet aggrigate stability and erosion resistance of untreated and treated soil samples be performed. In laboratory the wind speed in the tunnel be gradually increased from 0 to 25.6 m/s during 15 minutes . The wind erosion, compressive strength and aggregate stability test results clearly indicated that S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S12, S14 specimens were useful to dust control, in the relatively arid and semiarid areas. The SEM image showed that when biopolymers were applied to soil, a part of them filled up the voids of soil, and other part stayed on the soil aggregates surface. The polyelectrolyte groups in its molecular structure had chemical reaction with positive ions of clay grain and create physicochemical bonds between molecules and soil aggregates with ionic, hydrogen, or Van der Waals bonds. Untreated sample hadn’t bonds between molecules and soil aggregate so, the compressive strength and aggregate stability were very weak in these samples.
