Improvement in Some Soil Characteristics and Vegetative Cover through Spate Irrigation in Jahanabad TorbateJam

Document Type : Research


1 Researcher, Khorasan Razavi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Mashhad, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Khorasan Razavi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Mashhad, Iran


Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the suspended load may affect soil and vegetation. After drawing an area map, soil and vegetation were examined at both floodwater spreaders and control areas. The soil was sampled and examined by chemical analysis as three-factor randomized complete block design including condition of basin, distance and proximity to the banks, depth of soil 0–20 cm and 20–60 cm in triplicate. Condition, trends and plant production in two stages (before and after floodwater spreading) were studied by the four-factors method, trend balance and clipping and weighing, respectively. Results showed that spate irrigation affected soil sodium absorption ratio (SAR), sodium, calcium and CaCo3 with a significant increase compared to control in all three phases of soil texture became heaveier in some localities. SAR significantly increased with depth. An Increase in EC and SAR caused little salinity and sodicity, respectively. The rangeland condition, which was poor prior to spate irrigation (40 kg dry matter per hectare per year), and Showing a negative trend, improved to the intermediate category, it was with a positive trend and production of 110 kg dry matter per hectare per year after spate irrigation.


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