Comparison of four methods for collecting rainwater for oak (Quercus brantii) seedling in semi-arid forests of Kohmareh-sorkhi of Fars province

Document Type : Research


1 Forest Expert, Department of Natural Resources, Fars Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Shiraz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Resources, Fars Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Shiraz, Iran


This research was carried out to determine the most suitable method of collecting rainwater for Persian oak (Quercus brantii Lindl var persica Zohary) planting in forest regeneration and enrichment projects in Chenarfaryab Kohmareh Sorkhi region of Fars province during three years. In order to provide the moisture necessary for the growth of oak seedlings, four sowing methods were used in the form of a split plot design with the main source of seeding (seed and seedling), and methods for collecting water including hollowing, barley, platform and pothole. Treatments were carried out in four replicates along with control treatment in the field. Results showed that the percentage of seeds and seedlings in the studied years had declining trends. No significant difference was observed between seed and seedling methods. Sowing methods had a statistically significant difference at 1% level, but there was no significant difference in reciprocal effects of seed and seedling sowing and planting methods. In seed planting, rectangular, pitch hole, and furrow showed the highest percentage of survival, while rectangular pitch, pitch hole, and trace method had the highest percentage of survival, respectively in planting of the seedlings. In this way, rectangular and pitch hole planting methods are the most suitable methods for preserving the water available for oak forests, a method commonly used by the owners and contractors.


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