Economic and Effectiveness Evaluation of Watershed Management Measures by Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Manojan, Kerman

Document Type : Research


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Forest, Range and Watershed Management, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Reclamation of Arid and Mountainous Regions, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran

3 Professor Department of Reclamation of Arid and Mountainous Regions, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran


The most important goal of watershed management is soil and water conservation, flood reduction, and vegetation enhancement. Analyzing and evaluating the performance of watershed management measures, like other development projects, seems necessary for their economic justification. In this study, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of watershed management measures in Manojan city, Kerman. Quantitative methods include double mass curve, flow continuity curve, and hydrological regime. Qualitative methods include face-to-face interviews and completing a questionnaire. Also, the economic evaluation of these projects was performed using two criteria of net present value (NPW or NPV) and profit to cost ratio (B/C). For this purpose, data related to rainfall and runoff in the years before and after the implementation of the place, and questionnaires were collected and analyzed using Excel and SPSS software. The results showed that the double mass curve shows the positive effect of watershed management on decreasing runoff rate and the current continuity curve shows the relaxation of the flow and the effect of these measures in reducing peak discharges. Qualitative results also indicate that 80.58% of people in the region believe that watershed management measures had positive effects and 19.42 no positive effects. According to NPW and B/C criteria, watershed management measures implemented in Manojan city have economic justification and have a positive economic impact. In general, the positive effectiveness of watershed management measures in soil and water protection in the study area has been confirmed qualitatively and quantitatively.


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