Estimation of Land Subsidence in Salmas Plain Using Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Algorithm

Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor, Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Department, West Azarbaijan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Urmia, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Institute, AREEO, Tehran, Iran


Introduction and Goal
In recent years, problems caused by human interference in the Salmas Plain, such as an increase in the irrational use of surface water resources, an increase in the process of groundwater discharge, and a change in land use have caused pressure on the groundwater resources of the region; hence, land subsidence is at least a natural response to the decrease in groundwater level. Therefore, it is important to study and identify subsidence areas in the region.
Materials and Methods
In this research, groundwater information and Sentinel 1 radar images were used. Groundwater information was obtained from the regional water company of West Azarbaijan province. In the present research, the DInSAR algorithm was used to measure the ground surface displacement, and the phase difference of the SAR signals was determined using the repeated-pass interference methods. Finally, by using the manual of differential radar interferometry with synthetic aperture and 52 even numbers of Sentinel 1 image, the subsidence in the Salmas Plain was determined between 2014 and 2015 and 2018 and 2019. Validation of the radar interferometry method using Qareqeshlaq Geodynamic station data, as well as groundwater level changes, underground water drop and field observations was conducted.
Results and Discussion
The results of the subsidence study using the DInSAR method showed that the average annual displacement rate is about 5 cm. Investigation of groundwater changes also indicated a decreasing trend in most of the wells. The wells located in the eastern and southeastern regions (e.g., Kangarlu, Qareqeshlaq, Yushanlu, etc.) have the highest amount of groundwater drop. In the study period (2014 to 2019), where the wells with an increase in groundwater level were affected by their proximity to the Zola dam reservoir and the water supply channels. The wells of Qezeljeh, East Qareqeshlaq, and Maidan Doab have the highest water level reductions, but they do not have sufficient water supply from the dam. Mahlam, West Tazeshahr, and Ian wells, which are in the western part of the plain and close to the dam lake, respectively, have a suitable increase. Checking the subsidence maps of the Salmas plain showed that most of the subsidence is concentrated in the southern areas, especially in the southeast of the plain, in comparison to other parts of the plain the depth of alluvium is also greater in these areas. This subsidence trend continued from 2014 to 2019 and this trend is also prevalent in the final map. During this period, the average water level changes in the Salmas plain aquifer had a downward trend, which was in harmony with land subsidence. By reviewing the groundwater drop map, it was found that the areas with the highest drop coincided with the subsidence areas. More drop in underground water indicated more water extraction. Therefore, the discharge of underground water in the region has caused subsidence.
Conclusion and Suggestions
Before adopting any operational plan and policy for implementation, it is the most important task to identify the exact location of land subsidence in any area, in particular residential areas. Sentinel1 radar images are sufficiently capable of solving this problem at all stages; however, a longer observation time would be more useful for decision making and implementation. Land subsidence in the Salmas plain is fully confirmed by the change of the underground water level and field visits. According to the DInSAR approach, the average displacement rate due to subsidence in the region was 5 cm, which can be fully verified in terms of observations of changes in the groundwater level. The piezometric data show a reduction of in the water level in most wells compared to the past, which depicts the occurrence of excessive extraction of groundwater. In addition, field surveys have been conducted in different areas of the Salmas Plain and the subsidence areas have been recorded. The process of subsidence in the studied area is ongoing, and the attention and care of the relevant authorities is needed to reduce the damage caused by this phenomenon and adjust the possible damages. It is recommended that people should be aware of the consequences of excessive harvesting and recommend alternative crops with a low annual demand for water and early yields.


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